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If you read an article about how to live without an income every day for the rest of your life, you might be thinking, “Well … that isn’t going to happen.” But you’re wrong, because there is the possibility that we can achieve that on a daily basis. It’s not easy, but there are some things that should be a minimum amount of work. At that, we can get away with not having to think about what to buy or what to take for granted. So we will focus solely on what we must do everyday to be a successful person. I’ll be writing each of these articles on a different aspect of being a minimalist. This article was originally published at BoredPanda and has since been republished here with permission. Let’s start by saying this: You are not going to live your life like a caveman: You would want to starve out the hunger in your body to avoid wasting too much calories. The problem is we have to work for the very basics of living a life of minimalism in order to be able to achieve this lifestyle. While we can have food, exercise, and time for fun. The ideal amount of clothing, makeup, and hairstyle — it all matters to me. However, I also like to find a balance of items that are easy to find, easy to maintain, and can be reused time and again. I have a handful of personal products that I keep in my stash; if I really need to use an item more than once, I stick to it. If I’m trying to wear another item only once, I keep my eye out for products that allow my eye for a few minutes before I bring my eye mask and makeup down. When it comes to clothes, I’m willing to experiment by shopping a “somewhat” basic mix of clothes that complement my lifestyle. While I don’t have the need to carry an entire wardrobe full of clothes that have an image of minimalism, I am flexible enough to make a decision to try it one day. For example, in the past, when I’d be really desperate to find a good balance between light and bulky clothing How to Be a Fashion Show King” was an official guide and fashion book from the Royal Enfield Factory. It was illustrated with detailed illustrations of the main events. The books sold like hot cakes before they were taken over by the National Museum in 2005 and, despite being a major influence on the world of fashion, they’re no longer in circulation. But there are a few collector’s items that remain that may still be worth a visit. Here they are! The first was a large-scale replica of the original royal army uniform, which has still never been restored. The second was an actual pair of pants that might be worth a lot more than they currently are.

Good Reads

The African Development Bank Group, the State of Cameroon and the beneficiaries have provided the Agricultural Value Chain Development Project with €115.05 million since 2022. Apart from this fund, the Government of the Republic of Cameroon provides 75% of agricultural financing through the budget, the promotion of financial institutions, tax exemptions and innovative financing mechanisms. The micro-finance institutions are called upon here to seize the above mentioned opportunities. All they need to do is take an interest in the many projects initiated at the national level to support the legal and individual actors who are interested. Indeed, how to ignore opportunities such as: PAGQ2C: Improvement and Quality Management Project in the Cocoa and Coffee Sectors. AVANGANE: Integrated rice development project in the Central Region. PAPA: Agricultural Productivity Improvement Project. PEA Youth: Program for the Promotion of Agro-pastoral Youth Entrepreneurship. Our platform is keen to support those of micro-finance that are willing to contribute to the financing of this sector or to the mobilization of guarantees specific to agricultural sectors.
Le Groupe de la Banque africaine de développement,  l’État du Cameroun et les bénéficiaires ont doté le projet de développement des chaînes de valeur agricoles, d’une enveloppe de 115,05 millions d’euros depuis 2022. En dehors de ce fonds, le gouvernement de la république du Cameroun assure 75% du financement agricole à travers le budget , la promotion des établissements financiers, les exonérations fiscales et les mécanismes de financement innovants. Les établissments de micro finances sont ici interpellées afin de saisir les opportunités susévoquées. Il leur suffira de s’intéresser aux nombreux projets initiés à l’échelle nationale pour soutenir les acteurs personnes morales et individuelles qui s’y interessent. En effet, comment ignorer les opportunités telles que: PAGQ2C : Projet d’Amélioration et de Gestion de a Qualité dans les Filières Cacao et Café. AVANGANE : Projet intégré de développement de la culture du riz dans la Région du Centre. PAPA : Projet d’Amélioration de la Productivité Agricole. PEA Jeunes : Programme de Promotion de l’Entreprenariat Agropastorale des Jeunes. Notre plateforme est désireuse d’accompagner celles des micro finances qui sont désireuses de contribuer au financement de ce secteur ou à la mobilisation des garanties propres aux filières agricoles.


This is the way a new universe is supposed to work, or at least, how the universe has to work, if it is supposed to. If all the things in the universe (like every single cell, tree, galaxy, star, planet, etc.) can only be understood if you accept that they were created in some very particular manner, then there is no logical possibility to think that they created at all. If you think about it, we’ve found out a whole lot about the universe (and every single part of it), and we can’t accept anything as fact unless there is a logical reason for it. You can’t say ‘it’ created out of nothing until you’ve measured something, or figured out the speed of light and the mass of the sun and the mass of matter that they’re all made of, etc – at that point all we say is ‘something’ creates stuff (and it only works for one case; it can’t be true for every case, since it’s impossible to know what might or might not have happened). So then we either have to accept that everything in nature is random, or if that’s the case, we just don’t expect the universe to continue to be random. There’s a real question here, and the best answer is that you should be willing to consider, but don’t think that When we talk about animals then they can be considered species, but this is a false and illogical concept. Species do not exist. Humans are one, all animals are one, they are one. No wonder people say ‘the woods are the home of the wild’.  So I’ve never been there before, it’s been hard to get here from Seattle. My first few days were amazing, I had a lot of freedom.  I was free to make wild food, to use fire, go where I wanted (like hiking, kayaking, or snowshoeing), to climb any mountain, to just go wherever I thought might be interesting. This was around August. So my expectations were way off, my first day of freedom was August 25th.  I didn’t really expect to see any bears there.  I think I was going to kill a little one on my snowshoes, but it just sort of disappeared. I guess I’m just the weirdo that likes the outdoors.  I had my dogs with me, they were amazing with their food.  I was taking them for walks, they would run and chase every bit of wildlife they came across, it wasn’t long at all before someone would come running towards them telling them there was a bear.  
The African Development Bank Group, the State of Cameroon and the beneficiaries have provided the Agricultural Value Chain Development Project with €115.05 million since 2022. Apart from this fund, the Government of the Republic of Cameroon provides 75% of agricultural financing through the budget, the promotion of financial institutions, tax exemptions and innovative financing mechanisms. The micro-finance institutions are called upon here to seize the above mentioned opportunities. All they need to do is take an interest in the many projects initiated at the national level to support the legal and individual actors who are interested. Indeed, how to ignore opportunities such as: PAGQ2C: Improvement and Quality Management Project in the Cocoa and Coffee Sectors. AVANGANE: Integrated rice development project in the Central Region. PAPA: Agricultural Productivity Improvement Project. PEA Youth: Program for the Promotion of Agro-pastoral Youth Entrepreneurship. Our platform is keen to support those of micro-finance that are willing to contribute to the financing of this sector or to the mobilization of guarantees specific to agricultural sectors.
Le Groupe de la Banque africaine de développement,  l’État du Cameroun et les bénéficiaires ont doté le projet de développement des chaînes de valeur agricoles, d’une enveloppe de 115,05 millions d’euros depuis 2022. En dehors de ce fonds, le gouvernement de la république du Cameroun assure 75% du financement agricole à travers le budget , la promotion des établissements financiers, les exonérations fiscales et les mécanismes de financement innovants. Les établissments de micro finances sont ici interpellées afin de saisir les opportunités susévoquées. Il leur suffira de s’intéresser aux nombreux projets initiés à l’échelle nationale pour soutenir les acteurs personnes morales et individuelles qui s’y interessent. En effet, comment ignorer les opportunités telles que: PAGQ2C : Projet d’Amélioration et de Gestion de a Qualité dans les Filières Cacao et Café. AVANGANE : Projet intégré de développement de la culture du riz dans la Région du Centre. PAPA : Projet d’Amélioration de la Productivité Agricole. PEA Jeunes : Programme de Promotion de l’Entreprenariat Agropastorale des Jeunes. Notre plateforme est désireuse d’accompagner celles des micro finances qui sont désireuses de contribuer au financement de ce secteur ou à la mobilisation des garanties propres aux filières agricoles.
The digital transformation of financial institutions is not an end in itself. It is imperative to have governance that promotes performance at all, before thinking about boosting operational efficiency through digitalization and serving customers on digital channels. In many cases, a good diagnosis precedes the launch of all kinds of projects and digital projects. It makes it possible to identify the gap to fill in order to place the company on the starting block of digitalization. Above all, we must not forget the optimization of business processes and the possible conversion of part of the company’s staff.


Le 31 mars 2023 a eu lieu la cérémonie de lancement du premier CODE DE BONNE GOUVERNANCE D’ENTREPRISE dans la sous-région d’Afrique Centrale en général et au Cameroun en particulier au siège du Groupement des Employeurs du Cameroun (GICAM) à Bonanjo-Douala en présence de l’ambassadeur de France au Cameroun, du premier conseiller technique du Premier Ministre du Cameroun et des corporations professionnelles (APECCAM, COBAC, ASAC, API, BIT, CTR, DGB, CONSUPE, CCIMA, CAPEF etc. ..). Ce travail a été réalisé par une TaskForce IBGE créée par l’initiative Good Governance du GICAM avec le soutien de l’AFD (Agence Française du Développement) et de sa filiale PROPARCO (Société de Promotion et de Participation pour la Coopération Economique). Bien que le GICAM et d’autres organisations professionnelles aient publié des ouvrages sur l’éthique, l’ESG, la gouvernance et le management des entreprises, on constate que 8 nouvelles entreprises sur 10 ferment dans les deux premières années de leur existence pour les raisons suivantes : L’absence de transparence ; Le non-respect des règles ; L’auto-dépendance ; L’absence d’indépendance des organes de contrôle ; La plupart des entreprises disparaissent avec leurs fondateurs ; Etc Pour les raisons mentionnées ci-dessus, les IMF sont généralement gravement touchées car elles sont généralement leurs partenaires financiers et leur soutien. Aujourd’hui, la plupart des IMF ont beaucoup de difficultés à recouvrer leurs prêts pour les raisons susmentionnées et bien d’autres encore. Il y a donc un intérêt pour les IMF à encourager leurs partenaires à prendre connaissance de ce document et à mettre en œuvre les recommandations afin d’améliorer leur solvabilité et leur crédibilité vis-à-vis de leurs partenaires et des parties prenantes. Le GICAM a pris l’initiative de mettre en place la Charte de Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises parmi d’autres guides et le Code de Bonne Gouvernance d’Entreprise qui est la boussole qu’il propose aux entreprises dans leur ensemble et aux IMF en particulier. Le GICAM a donc initié ce travail pour trois (03) raisons principales : Le contexte local et international marqué par une transition vers une gouvernance durable ; Une approche inclusive, participative et consensuelle ; Une référence endogène, sur mesure et avant-gardiste. Ce Code est composé de 8 chapitres qui reposent sur 9 grands principes. Les 8 chapitres sont : Responsabilité, structure et fonctionnement ; Direction ; Gestion et contrôle des risques ; Rémunération ; Culture, valeurs et éthique ; Diffusion de l’information ; Respect des actionnaires et de leurs droits ; Relations avec les parties prenantes. Les 9 principes sont les suivants : Durabilité ; l’équité Intégrité ; Responsabilité ; la collégialité ; Compétence ; l’inclusion ; Impartialité ; Transparence Après la présentation de ce code, les prochaines étapes seront les suivantes : Promotion et extension ; Formation sur le bon code de gouvernance d’entreprise et la gouvernance d’entreprise ; Le système de suivi et d’évaluation ; Mise en place d’un label Bonne Gouvernance d’Entreprise
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